Monday, September 8, 2008

holy hell

just remembered: I have a blog. That's pretty cool, I guess. Not that I use it all that much because, well, whatev, but still...good to know. And being that I'm tired of doing essay studying and such, well, I guess it's time to do some speaking.

Okay, so what's new? Well, I wrote 30 pages of a story, decided it was crap, and am now about to start over. That would be the Ripp story, the eventual 9 book saga. Yeah, like that's going to happen. Heh. This coming Saturday, check out the Australian newspaper if you don't want to see a mention of my name. I've entered this competition called the Vogel. The winner gets published, among other things. He or she also gets a spaceship. My understanding is that it's just a cardboard box, but oh well, a spaceship's a spaceship...unless it can't actually get into space. Now I want to watch 'firefly', that was a damn awesome show. Stupid whoever-the-hell decided it should be canceled. Bah! Bah, I say. Anyway, the results of this contest are announced on Saturday, and while I assume I won't win, it would be cool. Worth looking at a paper for anyway, perhaps.

So...what's new? Well...I gave a speech at a 21st. Shane's specifically. I still haven't seen the video but apparently I did well. I was a bastard though, I kept pointing out how nervous Josh was. What a sucker. But it was pretty good. That was probably the high point of the evening. The low point was probably when I picked a fight with the bouncers at the Elephant. I mean, sure they wouldn't let me in even after they said I could go in if I got someone to come out to get me and I did, and sure they didn't mention that the place was closing in a few minutes anyway, but I also apparently was holding a rose at the time or something and I have no memory of THAT, so I don't completely trust my memory of the occasion anymore. Wow, that was a while ago and my mood is about the same. It's possible I should maybe do something about being happy again, that would be pretty cool.

OH! OH! OH! Oh damn. Usually when I say that something really interesting comes to me and I say that as though it occured before I said it. Didn't work this time, maybe it only works vocally. Sigh. Wait! I know. This is slightly interesting...nup. Didn't work that time either.

Screw this, I'm going to the squirrel park. I'll write a blog when I have something interesting to say. Or at least something that's at least slightly amusing. Assuming I can be bothered. Blog = low priority, I think...obviously.

Sigh...okay, should probably go back to essay. Or maybe I'll just watch House.